Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Mogi mirim, São paulo, Brazil
Tenho 22 anos, tranquei a faculdade de Administracao no 3ª ano para ser au pair, Sou uma menina em busca de oportunidades e novas aventuras, adoro conhecer lugares novos e fazer amigos por toda parte, gosto muito de conversar e desabafar... Adoro desafios, acho que a vida não teria graça sem eles, lutar, lutar e vencer.... este é o meu lema e uma frase para ficar em mente NEVER GIVE UP

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

Letter Host Family

Boa tarde Gente Bonita !!!!!

Tudo bem com Vocês?

Olhem, estou preenchendo meu application e gostaria de sugestões e críticas na minha carta, você podem dizer tudo o que acham ta....

Vejam abaixo:

Dear Host Family,

My name’s Nataly and I’m 20 years old.
I was born in Sao Bernardo do Campo but I've been living in Mogi Mirim since I was 5. Both cities are in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
I live with my parents Maria Hilda (59) and Severino (61), my sister Thais (30), my nephew Cailon (11) and my dogs Lilica (female), Fefeu (male) and Iuli (male). My Father is turner mechanic and my mother is a housewife.

I’m a friendly, calm, honest, sincere, organized and patient girl. In my free time I like to listen to music and read. I also like to watch movies. One of my favorite is Harry Potter, my nephew love it so we watched so many times together that I became a fan and we have already watched the whole collection. I like going to the mall with my mom, because besides shopping we talk about everything. I also love traveling with my family, it's always so nice when we’re all together.

I enjoy going for a picnic with my nephew Cailon and my godson Miguel (2 yo) and sometimes I take my dogs! Miguel loves ice cream and so do I. We like to visit the Waterfall of Dreams, a nice place in a neighbor town called Serra Negra. During the hot long summer I like driving either Cailon or Miguel to the club to go play in the pool because I love swimming.

I everyday take care of Sofia for three hours. She's an 8-month baby, the cutest ever! I have to prepare her baby bottle, feed her, change her diapers and sometimes bath her. To make her fall asleep is easier when I sing to her. Her mom is my neighbor and she completely trust on me.
Some Saturdays I babysit Emanuel, he's also a baby, just turned 1. I'm helping him how to walk, talk, sing. We like to play with Legos and he loves playing outside.

During the weekend I like to visit my best friends Aline an Jessica. They're already married and have two children each, ages between 3 months and 8 years old. Every time I go to their houses I bring with me some of my delicious desserts. I love cooking and all the kids enjoy everything I make.
I like familiar programs, such as go out for dinner with my parents, or go for a walk in the park near to my house. But we also like some adventure programs like roller coaster parks. There's a big one close to my house and I go there at least twice a year.

I'm in college, taking the third year of Administration course. I was already decided about taking this course since high school because I like Math and I can see myself working in a office. There are so many companies in my town that works with this area so, I'm sure it won't be hard to find a good job when I graduate. I already found an internship in an ecological company where I can practice a little of what I'm learning in my classes. I just feel like if I have a second language I can have a chance to be in a better position. For this, I started to take English classes but even studying for two years it's been hard to get the fluency.

I found out about the Au Pair program and it is everything I need for now. I will stop my college and be an Au Pair! I've always loved children and I'm very interested in learning about a different culture. I'm sure I can be an awesome helper, treating the kids with love, affection and happiness. I will be responsible with my tasks so you can be sure that your children will be
happy and well cared by me. I'm very excited to join your family soon!   


Nataly Silva

5 comentários:

  1. Naaaty! Primeiro, você é de mogi? nunca conheci ngm que é/vai ser aupair daqui! 'o' (tem uma que eu conheço do Guaçu)
    anyway... Achei sua carta ótima, adorei o final "you can be sure that your children will be happy and well cared by me." acho que isso que eles gostam, não?

    Vou ficar te acompanhando e espero que voce tenha um ótimo programa e encontre uma HF incrivel! *-*


  2. Oie Re, sou de Mogi Mirim sim, que legal isso de não ter ninguém daqui...
    Falo pra algumas meninas da faculdade, elas acham muita loucura minha... rsrsrs
    Não sabem o que estão perdendo...
    Obrigada pelo elogio, mas devo te dizer que tive uma ajuda e não fiz tudo sozinha...

    Vou te acompanhar também viu, bjosssss

  3. Re, não consigo entrar no seu blog, sabe porque?

    1. Ahhh é que eu nem criei um ainda! haha
      Por enquanto só to seguindo as meninas! :)

  4. Em que parte esta do processo?
    E se já fez a inscrição, cria sim, é muito legal....

